Helping each other keep on track with the goals we've set for ourselves.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Very Pooh Birthday

So this day was about Sierra's birthday. I cleaned the house and got things ready until guests arrived around 11am (it was just family.) And I had been up until 2:30am decorating the cake and cleaning and prepping. I'm SO tired. (I'm off to bed after I write this.) The cousins stayed for dinner and then we got the kids to bed. Then I ate my 2nd piece of cake for the day.

So that brings me to my hobby, which is one of my many weight-loss will-power problems. Cake decorating. (See attached photo.) I'm always making cakes for someone, because I enjoy it, but I tend to nibble on the icing and cake bits as I go. And now, after the party, the pooh cake is gone, but the 3 balloons, which are 3 giant cupcakes, and the other 3 cupcakes that I got out of the batter are in my kitchen and I do try to teach my kids healthy eating habits (ironically) and not let them eat too much of it. (And, of course, they don't actually seem to be learning the healthy eating habits.) Well, I'm tired so I'm not sure I'm ever going to get to a real point here, so I'll end and go to bed.


Lisa C said...

Beautiful cake! I have thought about doing cake decorating, but my fear is that I would be the only one eating it (my husband doesn't do a lot of sweets).

I hope you can catch up on some sleep, but I'm glad you got through the day.

Ann in NJ said...

I actually think it's important to have a hobby, and also to strive for balance. That means making your cake and eating a sensible portion, too. Perhaps you could freeze one or more of the cupcakes, and then portion them out better, like divide them up for everybody to have as a semi-special dessert or treat. Getting temptaions out of sight or making it less accessible works reasonably well for me.

ooolia said...

way cool cake!

I often take extra sweets that tempt me to the office where the students usually polish it off. But then I just remembered neither one of you has an office to feed. :)

Jill in MA said...

I know! Leftover cupcakes, halloween candy, etc., and neither Steve or I have an office to share with!!