Helping each other keep on track with the goals we've set for ourselves.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

car naps

I hope the construction crew across the street doesn't wake Christopher up because he's taking his nap in the car (just about the only way he naps on the weekend). I took advantage of the time to put away the stuff from Costco (why do we always end up with twice as much as we planned to get when we walked in the door?).
So I lost LOTS of weight last year, but for all the wrong reasons. I picked up some stomach bug last Thanksgiving (the only one to get sick), and couldn't keep food in me for most of December and January. I think it's also related to the case of appendicitis I had in June. I managed to get down to 120, which is where I was when we moved to Seattle 12 years ago, but now I'm back up to 125 (and climbing). I'm mostly content with my weight, but I really need to get some regular exercise into my life because my body just hurts all the time when I don't. It's so insane, that most of the time I'm lucky if I can do some crunches and squats in the dark waiting for the boys to fall asleep.
Ooops. Michael just came home and woke up Christopher.


Lisa C said...

Hi Julia (I'm assuming),

I too tend to lose weight for the wrong reasons, usually due to being sick. Hence when I last lost some I was pretty sick then too.

I hope that the rest of your day went well.

Ann's younger sis Lisa

Ann in NJ said...

My kids used to nap in the car, too.

I also hurt when I don't exercise. I'm trying to get back to doing the stretches that help my back. The therapists suggested first thing in the morning, before I even get out of bed - but I always have to go to the bathroom first. Still working on that one.