Helping each other keep on track with the goals we've set for ourselves.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I've been getting no exercise lately, but today, when I woke up, it was about 50 deg. outside. So I took the kids for a walk in the wagon. They got fresh air, I got some exercise, and I distributed some flyers around the neighborhood for Owen's pre-school fundraising concert! I felt like I accomplished something when I got back. Keep in mind that my neighborhood is huge, so it was it pretty decent length walk. (Yes, it's true, I have ~5 miles of safe neighborhood roads to walk/jog/run on and I never get out there!)


Susan Z said...

I love multitasking.
I always think that I am much more likely to keep something up if I a) Feel successful
b)can make it a natural part of my life rather than a forced thing.
I am much more likely to go for a walk with the kids than to go someplace to exercise.

Ann in NJ said...

Excellent! I love days like that. Now, how to keep that momentum going, that's what I'm working on...

Lisa C said...

Sounds like a wonderful morning. I love nice days and walking is definately easier when the weather cooperates (it's foggy/rainy here and mid 30s) in Portland. I like to check out what plants look good in people yards and I might have a chance of not killing when I go walking.

I'm glad you got to enjoy the day. Don't worry about keeping the momentum just get up tomorrow and go out for a bit. One day at a time.