Helping each other keep on track with the goals we've set for ourselves.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Forced exercise!

Well, I'm a little proud of myself. We got about 9 inches of snow. Steve's away. The only chance I have to clear it is when the kids are sleeping. So, having never used the snow blower before, I learned how and cleared the driveway. It's kind of a beast to meneuver and manage the direction of the snow while working on our hill of a driveway, but I did it! And then followed up with a good scraping with the shovel and salting (our driveway is steep and impossible to get up with any amount of snow or ice on it.) Yes, the house is still a disaster (and -- gross -- there's been cat barf on the carpet in my office for 2 days) but I'm glad to know that I can do the things I need to, even on my own.
Of course, I just found out that school for Owen is cancelled tomorrow morning, so it's less urgent that I be able to get out first thing, but I still have places to go! I wonder if Sierra's gymnastics is cancelled....


Lisa C said...

I'm impressed, I have no idea how a snow blower works, let alone trying it on a hill. Sounds like a good work out to me!

Ann in NJ said...

Woo Hoo! If you live in snow country, being reliant on a husband who travels is not an option. Good for you. And I understand about the cat barf. The cat box is still in the bathroom.