Helping each other keep on track with the goals we've set for ourselves.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Went back to the surgeon's office today to get the steri-strips taken off my incision. Apparently I got it wet, or keeping it covered made it too moist, because the skin layer hasn't healed all the way yet. She said it looked good except for the outer layer, so I have to put Bacitracin on it twice a day and either leave it open or if I wear a sock I can put a gauze pad over it (held in place by the sock). Right now I'm wearing socks - its cold, and the hem of my pants was rubbing it.

It's cold and rainy and gray and matches my mood, I'm afraid. The incision is tender, probably because she broke the scab, and I'm feeling very sorry for myself. I'm tired of being "broken". I want to be able to do all the things I need/want to do, and right now I feel like I can't. And this is just the biopsy site, we haven't even gotten the results yet! Oh, yeah, there's a reason we mutilated my leg.

I don't know if I'm going to get presents out to family before Christmas - I bought them, but have not wrapped let alone shipped anything. I know, they'll understand and its hardly the first time, but I really want to get done on time. For once. And I need to clean up at least some because family is coming, and I'd like to bake cookies (another cookie exchange on Sunday, now), and the tree still has no ornaments.

Bleah. I know at least half my mood is the weather - I guess it's a good thing I don't live in Seattle, eh?


Lisa C said...

I hate feeling bleh like that. :( It sucks when you are frustrated with everything going wrong with yourself. Wish I was closer to help, hate the distance sometimes with our family.

If it's any perspective though I just went to visit a friend of mine who's 84 (quilts with a group I'm in). She almost died 5 weeks ago and she's in pain still, but was very optimistic. It was a good perspective on life. Doesn't make the bleh's go away, but sometimes it helps to pull out of it by having perspective. Hope you can get some and that the weather changes and helps. Big hugs.

Susan Z said...

At least all but the outer layer of the incision looked good. As for presents to mail, I always walk up to the post office counter and tell them to send it the slowest cheapest way possible. I figure that if my present doesn't get there in time then it just makes Christmas last longer.