Helping each other keep on track with the goals we've set for ourselves.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Checking in

How are the workouts going Jill? Wanted to see if you were holding yourself to your plan and that you are feeling better!

Ann, are you still hitting curves like you want to each week?

Susan how are the kids and how's your sanity with school right now?

Julia, haven't heard from you in a while! Hope you are doing well. How are things going with the work/life balance?

Just thought I'd check and see how everyone is doing and see if we're reaching our goals or not. I'm trying to start walking again in the evenings as much as possible since John took over the morning walks. Been nice to have more time to get work done and get an early start, but it means I've gotten lazy since our bad weather. However, birthing classes start tomorrow night so we're getting closer to delivery.


Ann in NJ said...

Lisa, you're doing a good job keeping us on track!

I am going to Curves 3 times a week, but I am not dieting well this time. I decided I would go back on the diet at the first of the year.

Well, not so much. I'm having a really hard time sticking with it this time around. Most days go pretty well until mid to late afternoon, and then I'm snacking, and I've even been snacking in the evening, which I usually don't do. I'm not getting enough sleep, it's cold, etc. there's lots of excuses.

Today, so far, has been a good day.

Lisa C said...

Thanks, I was thinking it would be good to find a way to "hold ourselves accountable" since that's one of the things we stated would be helpful, but it's hard to do via computer! I figured a check in might be good.
I too am trying to find healthy ways to snack since I had gotten pretty bad for a while. I ended up having to go in for a 3 hour glucose test, even though I had passed the screening. It reminded me how important it was to have accountability (or a wake up call in my case). It's so easy to go the other way, but it can have big consequences which I need to remember since it affects more then just me for now!

Susan Z said...

I'm really stressed. I don't know that I am doing that great of a job balancing things. It would probably help if I could figure out how to get these boys potty trained to free up some of our budget, how to get everyone healthy, and how to get more sleep.

Jill in MA said...

I'm not exactly keeping on track, but I'm working toward my goal. Steve is having an unusually high travel month due to some funding concerns with work, and that's throwing a wrench in the works for me, but I'm getting there.