Helping each other keep on track with the goals we've set for ourselves.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How's everyone doing?

I must admit, I've really stopped all real physical activity since I finished the triathlon. (I was hoping it would give me some momentum, but, alas, laziness seems to always prevail for me.) Anyway, now that it's the fall and the school and activity schedules begin to rule my life again, I was thinking now is an opportunity to fit the exercising into the schedule. Like on Thursday when my mother-in-law plays with the kids, and Tuesdays when they're both in school, I could go for a run! Maybe I should schedule a Saturday morning run before my shower and an evening workout a couple of nights a week. The important thing is to put it in the schedule. What about you all?


Susan Z said...

We missed a couple of days last week, but now Ben (our baby-sitter) is back in town so our childcare situation should be more stable. So we should be set up to get to the gym three days a week. We have stopped lifting weights because Jim's neck/shoulder was bothering him. We are, however, riding the exercise bike for at least 30 minutes.

ooolia said...

I had been managing to get to the pool once or twice a week or maybe go for an occasional run. Nothing that was making me lose weight or even get in better shape, but something.

Then I went on vacation. Between the business trip and the head cold and my insane life, I think it's going to take some effort to get moving again.

Jill in MA said...

Well if Susan can get to the gym in the midst of her crazy life, there's no excuse for me!! Thanks for the inspiration, Susan!

Ann in NJ said...

I am going to Curves three days a week, although I'm going to play hooky tomorrow and go to a warehouse sale...

And I'm going to do the Curves weight management program (because it's free at my gym). So I need to add in walking on the in-between days, which I haven't done yet.

But it has been HARD to get moving again after summer. I did put Curves in as an appointment on the calendar.