Helping each other keep on track with the goals we've set for ourselves.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just a little more than yesterday....

I'm alone with the kids this week, and sometimes I use that as an excuse to not get anything done. But this week I've resolved to go to bed each night with the house a little cleaner or at least a bit more done than when I woke up in the morning. Yesterday that wasn't hard, given that the house was a disaster when I woke up, but I did manage to clean all the old condiments out of the fridge and wipe down the downstairs bath before going to bed. Plus, the kids and I did manage to get the Christmas tree decorated! They were actually a big help! Now if I can at least get the candle lights in the windows the neighbors won't think we're the Grinch family. Anyway, I've got so much to do around the house, if I can keep up this goal of just a little more each day, even after Steve gets back, perhaps it will eventually all get done! And if my house cleaning and to-do's get under control, perhaps I can feel relaxed enough to stop and exercise once in a while!


Lisa C said...

That's wonderful. =) A little bit at a time can help so much sometimes. Glad you were able to keep productive and motivate yourself.

Ann in NJ said...

I think that's a wonderful goal - and the best part is it is something you can actually achieve. A huge unreachable goal is very unmotivating for me - but the little things add up pretty fast. Although things like cleaning out the fridge are not as obvious as I would like sometimes, they definitely have to get done!

Ann in NJ said...

Oh, and don't forget that housecleaning counts as exercise. Especially when it involved stairs.

Jill in MA said...

ok, so does shopping and getting Santa photos done count as more than yesterday? I hope so, because now I'm exhausted, the house is a wreck, and I just woke up from in front of the TV because I just can't do any more today! I'm off to bed once I get the dishwasher loaded and running....

Ann in NJ said...

Shopping is worth one whole day of more. Santa pictures are worth at least one day - so you got two days worth stuff done in one. That's more!

That stuff is exhausting. Cut yourself a break.